Checking In

It’s our first time back together recording in 2022! This year we want you to tell us what to talk about on the podcast. If you have themes and topics that you’d love us to cover, please email, DM, PM, carrier pigeon it so we can get planning. We want to give a huge shout out to all of you who loved our ‘100 things to declutter’ series over January! We had a record 91,000 downloads in the last 30 days! Grab a cuppa and giggle along with us as we share what we each got up to over January, give you some updates on our team of rapidly growing Professional Organisers and tell you about some fun stuff coming up in Feb, including another live round of our much loved Head, Heart & Home Course.

In this episode we;

  • Share what we got up to over January;
  • Update everyone on the business growth and some podcast plans;
  • Highlight some upcoming webinars and our Head, Heart & Home Course launch;
  • Ask you to tell us what you want to hear on the podcast this year;
  • Challenge you to get all that stuff that you’ve been decluttering over christmas/new year out of your house today!!

Things mentioned in this episode and other helpful links:

Muster Dogs

Head, Heart & Home Course

Make sure to send us an email, DM on Instagram or PM on Facebook to tell us what you want to hear this year.

Thank you to Jmccartney2009, Princephillip69 (extra thanks for the good giggle!!), Mooj58, April in washington state, kate833 for your podcast reviews!! We absolutely love to hear what you think and how your lives have been impacted.

If you have a child starting school or high school this year or if you have already watched Muster Dogs then its your turn to leave us a review!

Join our community

  • Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!
  • Follow me on Instagram
  • Follow me on Facebook
  • Join my Facebook group
  • Leave a review on Apple Podcast

Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio.

Most Recent Episode
5 Quick
Declutter Tips eBook