
This December we again wanted to practice what we preach and have some white space in our lead ups to Christmas this year. We decided to showcase some of the podcast where we have been the guests!

In 2017 we recorded 5 episodes around Christmas themes, Schedules, Decorations, Gifts and Wrapping, Christmas Functions and Christmas holidays and we repeated these again last year so if you are wanting some tips and tricks for the Christmas season have a listen to episode 22 through to 26, we will link to them in the show notes.

This week, we are sharing The Ambitious Entrepreneur podcast and Amy’s conversation with Anne-Marie Cross. Amy shares about our in home client work with individuals and also about creating podcasts. This is a look behind the curtain of creating a podcast and some of the why behind how we choose to do things.

And as this episode was recorded earlier this year we just wanted to remind you all that Amy & Kirsty have now joined their individual organising businesses into The Art of Decluttering so you’ll find both of us at The Art of Decluttering everywhere!

Things mentioned in this episode and other helpful links:

● The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast

● Christmas Schedule

● Christmas Decorations

● Christmas Gifts

● Christmas Functions

● Christmas Holidays

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Thank you to our sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio Productions.

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