Organising With Pre-Schoolers

Do you sometimes pick up your kids from childcare or kinder and wonder how the educators managed to get 32 three year olds to tidy up, clean their own plates and put the blocks away before moving on to playing with something else?

Today I chat with one of my team Freya, who as well as being an exceptional decluttering and organising expert is an early childhood educator. Freya shares the tricks of the trade that you can implement at home or in your own childcare setting. Freya has run a family day care program in her home as well as working in childcare and now is a kindergarten educator. Her kids are now in primary school and she’s reaping the rewards of her implemented wisdom and experience.

From storage and organisational ideas to tips around engaging pre-schoolers and using routine and setting expectations I guarantee there is something in this episode for everyone.

If you don’t have pre-schoolers in your life, make sure to share this episode with a friend who does, they’ll be so grateful!

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Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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