Hello, I'm Brigi
Hi, I’m Brigi. I’m a Decluttering and Organising Expert at The Art of Decluttering and I work with our Melbourne clients.
My background is in aged care, working as a home care provider and previously in operations management. All of my job experience has prepared me to be an amazing organiser and problem solver, I love helping people achieve freedom from clutter.
As a child I once I finished playing with my toys, I loved sorting and organising them before putting them away. A born organiser!
I was born in the Netherlands, so am a Dutchie by birth, and now I am an Aussie at heart as I’ve been living here for 22 years. I have two teenage children and am recently married to the love of my life. I love volunteering in my community as well as travelling and exploring. On the weekend you’ll find us catching up with friends over a meal or an activity or wandering through op-shops and antique bazars.
I am excited to meet you and partner with you on your personal declutter journey.
Brigi x
Client Feedback for Brigi
Need Help Decluttering?
Are you overwhelmed by clutter and disorganisation?
Have you tried to do it on your own but things just end up messy again?
Get in touch, our team would love to help you achieve freedom in your home.