Time Will Tell

If you’ve got items you’d really LIKE to declutter but you’re a bit nervous… why not give a Time Will Tell Box a go.

Pop items you need just a little bit more time to decide on into a box to assess again in a few months. Seal it up and write the date on the box. See what you think in a few months… hopefully once you’ve experienced living without the items you’ll then be ready to donate the items in your Time Will Tell Box.

Before you open the box, try to think what might be in there that you’ve missed. You might be surprised that you forget what you put in… in which case send it off for donation!

Remember to declutter as much as you can and then only put the items in the time will tell box if you absolutely need to. It’s a backstop, not a full stop.

You may also like to listen to these episodes:

Running Out
Limiting Choice
Returns Box

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Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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